Foot pain relief exercises - Part 1

Foot pain can be caused by all sorts of things. From standing for long periods to wearing tight or ill fitting shoes. Today, we would like to share two simple exercises that will get you started on the road to pain free feet.

The first is a simpleĀ Calf Stretch.Ā Calf Stretch to help relive foot painWearing shoes with raised heals shortens calf muscles and the plantar fascia. To do this exercise, simply put the front part of your foot up on a slightly raised surface, and allow your heals to lower. Remember to keep your knees straight, and your feet pointed forward.Ā 

A great way to remember to do this exercise is to keep a small dome or rolled up towel under your bathroom sink, and simply stretch your calves while you brush your teeth!

Our second exercise is a fun one that takes a bit of concentration. Toe exercises for foot painThey are simply Toe Exercises. Your feet are designed to be just as dexterous as your hands! You can improve circulation, neurology and overall foot health by exercising and moving each of the toes independent of the others. It may be harder than you think. You can start with the big toe and work your way across, and then back again, even giving a little assistance by resisting the toes that are not being worked.

Our final tip is from Katy Bowman*Ā and is our favorite. That is to wear My-HappyFeet Socks! She suggests in her book "Every Woman's Guide to Foot Pain Relief" to just wear them like indoor slippers, or wear them when you go to bed to stretch out your aching foot muscles as all-night-long foot therapy.

Be sure to watch for part two where we will have more of Katy's recommended exercises for foot health.

*Kay Bowman, MS, is the bio-mechanical scientist who created the Aligned and Well(tm) system of exercises, and prescriptive DVD series. She is the science advisor and spokesperson for My-HappyFeet(tm) socks.

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