News — High Heels

Relieve Holiday Foot Pain with Toe Separator Socks

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. But for many, it can also be a time of foot pain and discomfort. With the hustle and bustle, long hours on your feet, and perhaps less-than-ideal footwear, it's no wonder foot pain often becomes an unwelcome guest during the holidays.

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Are the Holidays Causing Your Foot Pain?

With the holiday season getting ready to kick-off, it is also the time when foot pain can come on strong. From Thanksgiving cooking to Black Friday Shopping and all those wonderful winter footwear options for parties and can contribute to new holiday foot pain or cause old foot pain to flare up.

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Black Friday Shopping Can Cause Foot Pain

Black Friday Shopping on one day of the year might not be the primary cause of your foot pain, but shopping on that one day can lead to aching feet that night. Really shopping on any day for long periods can lead to foot pain. There are several factors contributing to those aching feet. Learn more in our blog.

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Common Causes of Women’s Foot Pain

Foot pain...is it different for men and women? The great foot pain debate. Do men experience more foot pain than women? Is there any genetic difference that makes women prone to more foot pain than men? Can foot pain really be treated or even more prevented? Our team dives into some genetic differences that might make one gender experience more foot pain than the other.

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Do High Heels Cause Bunions?

High heels may never be a podiatrist's recommended footwear, but is there any truth in the myth that wearing those stilettos will give you bunions?

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